Black Mental Health in Focus has been compiled to counteract the exaggerated notion, which is painted by the mainstream media, that Black men are dominant and aggressive. Debut author Alima Faye takes us on an artistic journey to explore the vulnerable aspects of mental health and wellbeing. This art collection acknowledges the advantages of having a hobby to restore, balance, calm, and quiet the mind, through her use of photography and textual artistry. With the use of soft natural lighting and bright pages, these photographs highlight the opposing stereotypes that are used to misrepresent, distort, and exploit Black males within commercial settings.
Alima Faye understands that from the age of seven, a Black man is inclined to face pre-judgement from their colleagues, peers and the educators at school, therefore prematurely labelled as 'disruptive'. This sets the tone for 'random' stop and search by police due to racial profiling, which cements society’s harmful attitudes and responses towards them. This perpetuates feelings of anxiety when doing the simplest of activities, like walking down the street.
By allowing young Black men to voice their views and opinions means you are validating their existence. It is a known fact that the male suicide rates are higher in men, by allowing the black male to express their fears and frustrations with the world, especially when faced with institutionalised racism, we can give them a safe space to define what their passions and strengths are.